How to make perfect ringlets with brush and hair dryer January 24, 2022 Do you dream of perfect curls but don't know how to achieve them without going to the hairdresser? You are in the right place! In this short guide we will...
The professional hair dryer that doesn't ruin your hair? Here are the top models December 13, 2021 Having tidy hair, always shiny and with a perfect style seems like a dream, unless you go to the hairdresser every day. But, be careful, there is a trick: just...
NEW PARLUX ALYON® RED EDITION October 25, 2021 Parlux, leader in the international market of professional hairdryers, presents the Parlux ALYON® hairdryer in a new passionate version: Parlux ALYON® RED EDITION. Parlux ALYON ® is the benchmark for...
What the hair dryer diffuser is for and how to use it: the Parlux guide September 19, 2021 Shiny, silky and healthy hair also comes through the right drying technique and the choice of accessories to attach to the hair dryer. Among these is the diffuser. But, what...
Parlux always present at the International trade fairs, again September 17, 2021 The Italian company confirms its leadership in the industry of professional tools for hairdressers. Everywhere people are trying to slowly return to normality and the calendar of hair & beauty...
Parlux at Cosmoprof North America 2021 September 10, 2021 In Las Vegas to present all the latest Parlux news After about two years since the last edition of Cosmoprof North America, on August 29-31, 2021, in Las Vegas, at...
Hair dryer nozzle: differences and features to choose the right hair dryer September 03, 2021 Hours and hours spent drying your hair, yet the result always leaves something to be desired...maybe you're not using the correct hair dryer or, perhaps, you're using it without the...
Parlux ALYON® GOLD EDITION May 03, 2021 A new luxurious version of the hair dryer most loved by hairdressers Parlux , leader in the international market of professional hairdryers, presents the Parlux ALYON® hairdryer in a new...
Hair dryer operation: how does a hair dryer work? April 12, 2021 Invented in France in the late 1800s, the hair dryer has now become part of our daily lives. But have you ever wondered about how a hair dryer works and...
The ultra-quiet hair dryer is Parlux: check out the full range March 12, 2021 Do you risk waking up the whole neighborhood if you blow dry your hair at night? Or do you work in a salon and your ears are ringing at the...
Parlux - The original is always the best March 08, 2021 Dear hairdressers, there are numerous hair dryers on the market Parlux counterfeits that can deceive you at the time of purchase and then disappoint you during use or even break after a...
How to clean your hair dryer and keep it top notch: our tips February 12, 2021 We could count on the fingers of one hand the times we remember to clean the hair dryer. Yet, hair stuck in the grill and dust accumulation can undermine its...