The revolutionary diffuser that transforms curly hair drying, delivering natural results without disrupting your curls.

Parlux MagicSense®
New digital interface
The Parlux ETHOS® digital interface lets you customize your drying experience like never before. Featuring 3 speed settings and 3 temperature levels, it offers 9 customizable combinations.
“STC - Special Twisting Cable”
The patented “STC - Special Twisting Cable” provides unmatched freedom of movement. Its innovative technology allows the cable to rotate freely at 360°.
PARLUX ETHOS® Air Ionizer Tech
Express your talent, explore new universes of style.

Percè scegliere il nuovo PARLUX ETHOS®:

Light-weight and balanced


Patented twisting cable

Digital switches

Made in Italy

Ionic Technology




Long Life

PArlux store
Shop at PARLUX Store
The new MAGICSENSE® “Special” diffuser and PARLUX ETHOS®, the winning combination for natural hairstyles and curls (and other Parlux products and accessories).