Beauty Bazar, the encyclopedic manual of hairdressing, has drawn up a ranking of the most qualified and prestigious brands in the sector, in particular of trichological products and accessories.
Dedicated to the general public of end users, frequenters of hair salons, these rankings are published on the website and in some of the most well-known women's magazines sold on newsstands (Gioia, Marie Claire, Eva 3000 and many others).
Customers themselves will therefore be able to more easily recognize their favorite brands as “products of Excellence”. Among these, the first 25 names in the “accessories” category could not be missing PARLUX , a famous brand synonymous with quality hair dryers and professional hair appliances, already recognised internationally by "insiders" for their technical characteristics, especially for high-level hair dryers: power, drying speed, lightness, silence, Eco Friendly design and production.
Now PARLUX will be more easily recognizable even to the general public and the salon customer will expect her styling to be done with a hairdryer that is an "excellent product"!