Monday 28 October, in Pavia, in the Hangar space of FabbricaPoggi, the brand new hairdryers Parlux Ethos ® (the latest fully digital Parlux model, loved by hairdressers for its many technical qualities, specifically dedicated to their profession) were the preferred working tools of the stylists who animated the Hair show entitled “The True Educational method - from professional training to the world of work - the evolution of men's hairdressing”, illustrating to an audience of professionals and attentive students of the CIOFS-FP Lombardia (an institute that offers young people training courses and educational opportunities), illustrating the latest trends and the opportunities that this profession can offer
The hair fashion show was interesting, with a demonstration of cuts and grooming fashion trends through the presentation of 14 models, as well as training and inspirational techniques, proposed by the well-known barber hair stylist Diego Zaffaro, creator of the TRUE Educational training method, as well as co-owner of SIR, an elegant barber shop in the city of Pavia.
The manageability, lightness and power of the hairdryer Parlux Ethos® have allowed us to perform, together with the mastery and creativity of the teaching hairdressers, all the proposed hairstyles in an impeccable and very fast manner.
The men's hairdressing sector can offer young interested students numerous job opportunities and therefore satisfy the needs of customers who are increasingly attentive to personal care, their hair and especially their beard.
It is hoped that this, like other informative/training meetings, can raise awareness among those who already possess creative/manual skills and therefore decide to undertake a professional path dedicated to the world of hairstyling.