cosmoprof 2016


The latest product by Parlux at the most waited event of the year

The perfect, ergonomic design, perfect size for professional hairdressing use and produced with eco-friendly material, this new incredibile Parlux ADVANCE® has a new non-heating frontal body and new SOFT re-designed swiches which create and allow for a better and well-balanced grip.

The already well-known Ionic and Ceramic technology has also been improved

creating even better and quicker drying. This totally 'Made in Italy' product has been created according to the Parlux Eco-Friendly philosophy and is available in the new 2016 colour 'ICE' as well as in 9 different colours.

All these new professional technical features impressed many Cosmoprof visitors who at the show were able to see and test for themselves the effectiveness and capacity of this new hairdryer.

A new innovative addition this year, the special 'PARLUX SOCIAL CORNER' organised inside the Parlux Booth, attracted Parlux fans, friends and customers to take a 'selfie' which was later posted in the main social network.

The continuous queue of people adhering to this initiative highlighted the fact that in the professional hairdressing  field, Parlux, is regarded by many, as the number one trademark for professional hairdryers throughout the world.