#weareparlux: il primo show moda per la famosa azienda italiana produttrice di asciugacapelli professionali di qualità

#WEAREPARLUX: first hair fashion show for Parlux, the well known Italian quality professional hairdryer producer

In Turin, as part of the YOU Hair & Beauty Show, a pleasant show presented the most loved devices by hairdressers created by Parlux over the years

On Sunday 20 November, for the first time in the history of the Milanese company, as part of the fashion shows presented on the stage of the Pala Alpitour in Turin, a highly followed PARLUX show highlighted the importance of the Italian brand for all those who work in the world of hairdressing.

PARLUX in collaboration with the OreaMalià stylists group, led by the artistic director Marco Montanari, she staged a singular show during which nine different hairstyles were proposed, whose different hairstyles were created with the different models of hairdryers PARLUX created over the years, from 1978 to today.

Professional hair dryers that have allowed and still allow to improve and facilitate the daily work of the hairdresser. Seeing these hair dryers at work, someone will have remembered the Parlux Superturbo 1500, the Lampofon of 1982 or the Airforce 1500 or the Extreme 5000.

Much more recent and easily recognisable in salons are the Parlux 2800, Parlux 3200, Parlux 3500, Parlux3800, Parlux 385 models as well as the new 2016 ParluxADVANCE ® model, the evolution of the most used and loved tool in salons: quality and high technology at the service of the modern hairdresser.

Music, lights, entertainment but above all efficient and reliable professional devices and products. Features that over time, have been quickly identified and appreciated by millions of hairdressers around the world and distinguish this prestigious “made in Italy” brand, so much so that everyone feels part of a big family: #weareparlux, precisely.

At the YOU Hair & Beauty Show 2016, the Milanese company also set up an exhibition stand where industry professionals were able to test and directly purchase the hairdryers. PARLUX favorites.