At the recent trade show RomExpo 2013 held in Bucarest, Parlux officially presented to all present their latesthairdryer, the Parlux 385 PowerLight® highlighting its main technical features much loved by hairdressers all over (extreme power and lightness, Ceramic & Ionic system, good balance, silence, Eco-Friendly materials).
At the booth organized by Top Line,the distributor for Romania, apart from their Parlux products, the attention of visitors was caught also by the presence of two Romanian celebrities: Sonia Trifan, a very popular singer and the well known hairstylist, Geta Voinea. Both these ladies, say they love and use Parlux hairdryers, both for personal and professional use.
Sonia Trifan took advantage of this occasion to have her hair done by a hairstylist working at the Parlux booth using the latest Parlux 385 PowerLight® dryers.
The famous “made in Italy” brand proved to bewell known and preferred, not only by professionals in the industry but also by celebrities in the beauty industry and in show business ! Info:
Picture: the Romanian singer, Sonia Trifan (the blond girl – second one on the left)together with the Parlux Top line exportmanagers and a model.